
5 Tips for Answering Tough Questions About Faith

By: Charlotte Life 

As an openly Christian person, I have experienced situations where a new believer or non-Christian has asked questions about my beliefs, and it can come quite suddenly.

I may forget what I’m trying to say or be unsure how to answer the question. Over time, I’ve learned some strategies to help facilitate that conversation with love and patience. Here are my 5 hacks to answering tough questions about faith.


If the question is vague or confusing, ask for some clarification or rewording so you can say what they need to hear. This will also help the person know you have a genuine interest in what they think and want to have this conversation.

Answer, don’t argue

When answering a faith based question, avoid stating why other opinions are wrong. It’s important that the person you’re speaking to can say their beliefs without fear of being shut down. A person came to you for curiosity, not an argument.  (James 1:19)

Tell the truth

If you’re not sure how to answer a question or don’t know the answer, that’s ok! Be honest with the person and say that you do not know. We aren’t all experts in theology so refer them to someone who might know. Suggest a person who may be able to answer the question in a way they can fully understand, or even suggest the bible! The word of God is a great place to go with questions especially when you know where to look.

Ask their opinion

Ask the person what they think of what you said, listen to their opinion and experience.  These conversations should be a discussion rather than a sermon. Show an interest in the person’s views and discuss how they are different and similar to yours. This helps you grow in your perspective and understanding as well as allowing the other person to feel heard and acknowledged with their questions. (Colossians 4:6)

Avoid complicated terms and language

The person you’re talking to may not have much understanding of the Christian faith and the bible so avoiding bible specific terms when answering questions can allow the person to greater understand the meaning behind what you’re saying. Avoid references to church history without context and only use information that will answer the question clearly to avoid confusion.

Talking about your faith can be daunting. I hope these tips can give you direction in your conversation and allow you to have a meaningful discussion.

Article supplied with thanks to Life FM in Adelaide.

Feature image: Photo by Jarritos Mexican Soda on Unsplash