
Season 11 Recap – Where Calls the Cast

BY: Rach Kayrooz

I know what you’re wondering.  What have our Hope Valley friends been up to since we last saw them solving mysteries, fighting off bad guys, and frolicking in the fields with romantic picnics? 

Let’s start with Mountie Nathan.  He’s kept himself occupied riding horses – not in Hope Valley – but at AUTUMN’S STABLE (or so a birdie at GOOD tells me).  

When calls the horse…

Meanwhile, Elizabeth’s been preoccupied with her ice-skating, when she hasn’t been painting portraits with Mike and Rosemary, or cuddling up with her rescue dog.

A person wearing a black coat and gloves

AI-generated content may be incorrect.
Skating circles around Nathan

As for the rest of HV, they’ve likely been practicing their dance routines for what looks to be an incredible season 12, filled with frivolity, fun, fashion, mystery, and a 1920’s version of Footloose!

But before we get too far ahead, let’s review the season 11 finale.

Mike went in search of a wedding ring and his future brother-in-law, with no thought to the panic attack he was giving Mei and the ladies of Hope Valley.  Had he not heard of texting, Messenger, or What’s App? He finally returned, marrying Mei in a traditional cultural wedding, with the whole town celebrating. We can’t wait to see the newlyweds in the new season – I’m sure there’ll be many adventures ahead, knowing these two.

Photos from When Calls the Heart "Anything for Love"
Here Comes the Bride… almost without a groom!

Nathan and Elizabeth kissed and didn’t tell… until Elizabeth told Rosemary, and it became front page news.

Lee and Rosie were enjoying parenting in their perfectly pressed suits (hmmm, no sleepless nights and teething?!)  Lee raised plans for development of a National Park that benefits their town.  Lucas immediately began researching Yogi Bear and Jellystone.

Jack Jnr commenced riding lessons with instructor Nathan when he wasn’t sneaking a kiss from Elizabeth in the stables. 

Fiona had a surprise return, and though she tried to convince Faith and Lily to return with her to Nashville for the CMA’s, they declined, as the pull of HV and a new season on the horizon was too much to give up. Will we see more Fiona in Season 12? 🤞🤞

Bill and Rosie were keen to continue with their role play of Maxwell Smart and 99, after solving the Pike and Jeanette cases. I wonder what mystery they’ll be solving next!

Minnie wasn’t happy with Elizabeth suggesting Angela look at a college in Hamilton.  Elizabeth simply didn’t want Angela to give away her shot (Hamilton reference, anyone?) Minnie retaliated by giving Elizabeth day-old, cold scones for her picnic with Nathan. With the big girls all graduating this season, I wonder what the future will hold for them?

Old scones? Ew, how rude!

Lucas was discouraged by a newspaper calling for his resignation, but was offered moments of support from Henry, Bill, Lee, and Elizabeth. Will season 12 mean more drama for our handsome Governor? And what about a romance, hey?!

Love was in the air, and the town water, as Elizabeth and Nathan shared secrets whilst declaring those three special words (“I love you”, not “got any potatoes?”)

Lucas declared his return to Capital City and invited Lee along for the ride. We were all left wondering, does this mean Lee and Rosie are leaving for the big smoke?!

Just as Elizabeth was about to kiss a potato instead of Nathan, Superintendent Hargreaves turned up with some urgent news for our leading lady… about Jack! What could it be??

So many questions… will season 12 have this much romance and drama?  Stay tuned, Aussie Hearties, as our favourites from Hope Valley are returning to GOOD. on Friday, 14th March! Watch the trailer now! CLICK HERE.

Watch When Calls the Heart season 12 on Friday nights at 7:30pm AEDT starting March 14 on GOOD. or stream after from the free GOOD app.

About the Author: Rach is an AACTA Award-winning writer, director, producer, and tv/film content creator, with a background in human rights advocacy.  A mum, music manager, animal lover, and fan of 80s power ballads, she spends her ‘spare’ time cooking allergy-friendly food, and adding to her dream list of places to travel. An advocate for disability, and an award-winning speaker, Rach is currently working on post-production of her reality TV show Facing the Fear, and pre-production for her documentary, FND: Not My Story.

Socials: @rachkayrooz

Feature Image: When Calls the Heart promotional content from GOOD.