
In an ever-changing world isn’t it comforting to know that some things do not need to change. There is so much good to look forward to, and that is why we at GOOD are so committed and passionate about providing positive entertainment options to people so that they can always watch something they can trust and rely on.

And to us, that’s more than just a wide variety of programs, but a standard of viewing that brings more good into your life with content that provides you with peace of mind and will make you feel good at the same time.

It’s why at GOOD we are so intentional in providing quality movies, TV series, documentaries and much more, so you still have the choice you want, but without the stress of the not so good stuff that doesn’t provide your family with the peace of mind you desire. 

With GOOD you get content that is uplifting and inspiring, with over 1000+ hours of entertainment you can trust and relax with. And all this good entertainment can all be streamed, downloaded, or even organised into your own personal playlist, on any device and at any time 24/7. 

Best of all, GOOD is FREE. 

Free to signup and free to use without any hidden costs or monthly bills.

That’s GOOD the positive alternative in good entertainment. Finally, there’s a media platform that’s full of content that makes you feel good, anywhere, anytime.

How is it FREE?

GOOD is solely owned and operated by the Australian Christian Channel (ACCTV) which is a registered not-for-profit organisation in Australia (Charity ABN 18083027276). GOOD is financially supported by donations from organisations and individuals like you who want to see this positive entertainment alternative available for free in every home in Australia. 

If you would like to support us and be part of this exciting vision please visit watchgood.com/give

Why we exist

GOOD was founded on the vision to reach our Nation with the good news of the Gospel. The vision was initially birthed in 1987 and over time lead to the pioneering and establishment of the first Christian television presence in Australia on Easter Sunday 1999. The Australian Christian Channel (ACCTV) went to air for the very first time on Optus Vision and has miraculously, been on the air ever since, 24/7. Fast forward to today and GOOD is now being broadcast on both pay-TV and video on demand (VOD) services to every corner of Australia. 

Because of this rich history and vision, GOOD will always have some faith-based shows and Christian teaching content available for those who want to watch it. That’s because we believe that everyone should have access to content that not only makes you feel good, but a choice in entertainment that influences you positively, transforming your life into the best it can be. At GOOD we believe the best kind of good is to be found in a meaningful relationship with God and faith in Jesus, which is WHY we do what we do.

How is content selected?

GOOD has a clear objective to provide content that makes viewers feel good. It is entertainment that they can trust and relax with, without getting surprised by content that is offensive or inappropriate for their family. The team at GOOD. use a clear set of guidelines in curating and editing the content that can show on our service.

These guidelines include;

  • No explicit language – GOOD doesn’t include swearing in its content because it is good for the mind, promotes effective communication and is considerate of the community around us.
  • No nudity or sex – GOOD doesn’t include nudity or sex scenes because we know it maintains a positive concept of sexual intimacy and sexuality. Not having it on GOOD stops it from being devalued or misrepresented.
  • No excessive violence – GOOD doesn’t include excessive violence in it’s content because it upholds the value of all human life.
  • Being respectful of all, based on the greatest command of all, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and your neighbour as yourself’.

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Anywhere you want. Whenever you want.

GOOD is available on mobile phones and tablets using iOS v12+ or Android OS v7+.
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