Ep10 Recap – When Love Calls
BY: Rach Kayrooz for GOOD.
Little Jack is riding his My Little Pony, Pal, with Nathan’s help. He is growing up so fast. Meanwhile, Allie is still in emo teen mode with Nathan. If looks could kill…

Goldie finally has some blocks to play with, and Rosie is keen to stay home for a girls’ day watching Hallmark Christmas movies. She still feels some guilt over the attack on Montague.
Lucas is pondering over the path less travelled to Governor-hood. He is reflecting on his days in New Orleans, as Jeanette makes her way back to HV. She swans into Lucas’ office a-la Marilyn Monroe, with that villainous tone in her voice, to exploit him yet again.

Bill is popping by the Coulters, to discuss the case with Rosie (or he could smell her scones cooking). Rosie is deterred, but she does know the shooter wanted them to believe Montague was behind it all. Who else, other than Bernhardt, had a motive to shoot Lucas?

Allie’s leaving on a train bound for Granville Prison, with only Angela knowing her secret. She gives Allie her pocket money for a snickers bar from the railway vending machine.
Nathan has a special delivery of books – or lamingtons – for Elizabeth. She struggles with a window and Super Mountie comes to her rescue, providing yet another opportunity for the kiss. Alas, the children arrive for school and interrupt another potential romantic moment for #natbeth.

Lily has taken up residence at Minnie’s kitchen table, home of the cupcakes. She wants to go with Faith to the infirmary (kudos to the kid for knowing how to say ‘infirmary’!) Anyone else sense separation anxiety? Not for Lily, but for The Hearties who don’t want Lily to leave!

Nathan gets a call from Granville Prison, informing him that Allie is there to see Parks, who is refusing to see her. Nathan checks the school for information on Allie, with Angela relaying her friend’s journey to Granville. He and Elizabeth race to the station, only to miss the train. It’s an opportunity for them to grow closer and support one another.
Maisie arrives for a meeting about the surge in crime (pity she’s not the Qld Premier!) and imposes on Mike and Mei for dinner, along with her mother and four sisters. Mei pulls out her Masterchef recipes, and orders a new 6-burner grill at The Mercantile.

As Lucas goes to write his announcement speech, he has a flashback to the shooting. He soon meets with Lee to discuss the Resort. Lucas is on edge, and Lee thinks it’s time to cut their losses. And Lucas’ beard.

Lily is full of ice-cream at Mei’s. She will never want to leave HV and its endless spoils! Ned drops off some Kmart merchandise as part of his new Uber delivery service, while Faith and Rufus have a chat about how much they love Lily.
Lee and Maisie withdraw their support of the Resort project, much to Lucas’ disappointment. This news triggers another flashback. Lucas clearly has undiagnosed PTSD and needs help after suppressing the trauma of the shooting and his recovery. Maybe Faith and Joseph could offer their counsel?

Nathan and Elizabeth arrive in Granville to a tearful Allie, who realises she should have listened to her real dad; the dad who has been there, providing for her, and loving her unconditionally.
She is struggling to understand why Parks didn’t want to meet her, and Nathan defends him, only to save Allie from the truth. This moment of Nathan opening up and showing his heart to his daughter is truly beautiful. Pass the tissues – and Nathan’s freshly squeezed OJ.

Lee and Maisie have co-authored an article for The Valley Voice. The headline enrages Lucas, and triggers his memory of the shooting once again. This time, he sees Jeanette, with Shaw holding a gun to her side. He struggled with Shaw to protect Jeanette and was shot.
Suddenly, Jeanette enters Lucas’ office and he confronts her. She takes no accountability for failing to speak up about that evening’s events. Shaw wanted Jeanette to pressure the new Governor to turn a blind eye to his ‘rum run’ through the territory.
One of America’s most wanted criminals shot Lucas, and attacked Montague, with Jeannette allegedly also at risk. Shaw is also the money behind Jeanette’s bid, but she kept it hidden all this time. She is trouble. Cue the Days of our Lives theme!

Nathan thanks Elizabeth for her support. He invites the Thorntons for dinner, so long as Elizabeth brings the meals. Can Lee please explain chivalry to Nathan?

Lucas apologises to Rosie, and realises his true friends are in HV. He cancels the Resort plans and everyone is fairly happy, except of course for Edwin. Henry and Lucas take Bill and Nathan aside to discuss Shaw. Lucas is adamant this news must stay with the four of them.
Lily’s grandma Dora arrives at the café, with Lily declaring she wants to stay with Faith. Grandma Dora is concerned she doesn’t have the energy anymore to give Lily what she needs. She asks Faith if Lily can stay with her, to our favourite Doctor’s delight. Dora agrees to come visit with Sunday supper, because her cooking is way better than Faith’s!

Mei welcomes Mike’s family, nervously awaiting their response to her food. Mike declares both he and his family love Mei. She reciprocates his feelings, softening onlooker Maisie’s heart.

Back at Elizabeth’s, Jack Jnr is eating dinner like a pony, with he and Allie getting along fabulously. Is this a prelude to HV’s newest blended family? A season 12 wedding perhaps?

Lucas and Jeanette take a drive in the rain to the edge of town, as he bids farewell to this toxic woman from his past. She warns Lucas that he doesn’t want to mess with Shaw. The Governor responds by telling her to go far away and find someplace safe, or he will report her as an accomplice. Will this be their final goodbye?

Memorable Quote:
Joseph (to Faith): “Cherish today. It’s God’s gift.”
Elizabeth: “As much as it pains us, sometimes we have to let our children hurt, to let them grow.”
Nathan (to Allie): “He’s a fool for throwing away his chance at being your dad, because his loss is my gain.”
Watch When Calls the Heart season 11 on Friday nights at 7:30pm AEST on GOOD. or stream from the free GOOD app. Watch this episode now. CLICK HERE.
About the Author: Rach is an AACTA Award-winning writer, director, producer, and tv/film content creator, with a background in human rights advocacy. A mum, music manager, animal lover, and fan of 80s power ballads, she spends her ‘spare’ time cooking allergy-friendly food, and adding to her dream list of places to travel. An advocate for disability, and an award-winning speaker, Rach is currently working on post-production of her reality TV show Facing the Fear, and pre-production for her documentary, FND: Not My Story.
Socials: @rachkayrooz
Feature Image: When Calls the Heart promotional content from GOOD.