
Ep8 Recap – The Amazing Grace of Forgiveness

BY: Rach Kayrooz for GOOD.

Tom is feeling somewhat reflective in Elizabeth’s yard, amidst the backdrop of Sheridan winter catalogue sheets hanging on the line. He ignored the signs that Sweeney was a crook, and seeks Elizabeth’s constant reassurance. Or he’s just there for the coffee and pancakes.

Nathan brings news that Sweeney is in custody, and whilst the Mounties have recovered the town’s money, the swindler gambled away $300 from the other choirs. Tom may be charged as an accessory, so he needs to pay back the money.  Elizabeth and Nathan share a moment of trusting in each other’s instincts, as the romance builds.

Goldie receives the social butterfly award at daycare, taking after Rosie.  Lee knows that once she starts talking in full sentences, he won’t get a word in!  

Nathan and Elizabeth come to Tom’s rescue, with a plan to recoup the money by way of a choir fundraiser.  Becoming a capella central calls for Rosie to step up and find a clipboard.  Nothing is ever official in HV without a clipboard. 

Lee and Maisie have a meeting to discuss The Resort and first names.  Rosie interrupts to announce Voices of the Valley, and the news about Sweeney.  Maisie is out for blood from Tom, demanding Nathan make an arrest.  Nathan declines; he’d rather hang around Elizabeth, than do paperwork.

Pike arrives in HV, and doesn’t look like the criminal Rosie was expecting.  As Nathan runs off to Subway to get the prisoner some grub, Rosie and Bill attempt to draw the truth out of Pike.  

Elizabeth hits up Nathan to join the choir, but he nominates Bill to join the sopranos (the choir, not the mobsters).

Angela and Cooper meet their Uncle Jacob at the lemonade stand.  Will the start of this happy reunion continue, once he sees his brother?

Photos from When Calls the Heart "Brother's Keeper"

Joseph has been keeping tabs on Jacob through Facebook, though he still can’t work out why the younger Canfield so desperately wants an apology.  Jacob tells his big brother that he hasn’t set foot in a church or choir for 20 years.  Minnie convinces him to stay and get to know his niece and nephew.    Will faith and talent reunite the brothers to sing together once again?

Ally is attempting a new song on the guitar for her Canada’s Got Talent audition.   Nathan showcases his strumming skills on the Fender to accompany his daughter, giving the Von Trapp family a run for their money.

Nathan feeling that 80’s rock

Joseph seeks Henry’s friendly advice about forgiveness.  Henry takes time away from the HV Vineyard, to identify that the reluctance to apologise, is the issue preventing their brotherly resolution. 

Lucas arrives at the jail in the middle of the night to confront Pike.  The accused apologises to the Governor, who simply wants to know why.  Pike relays that if he tells Lucas, he’s a dead man.  Lucas responds with, “and if you don’t, am I?”

Molly is worried the people won’t come to the choir festival.  Has she not seen Field of Dreams?

Build it and they will come, Molly!

Ned and Flo kick off Voices of the Valley with Daisy, followed by Mayor Maisie extending her 15 minutes of fame into 20, with repeated bows.  Tom confides he is glad Elizabeth has Nathan in her life.  Nathan shouts Little Jack a candy apple; we know he will spoil LJ, if he and Elizabeth end up together! 

Photos from When Calls the Heart "Brother's Keeper"
Ned and Flo forgetting what rhymes with Daisy…

The Canfield kids redirect Jacob away from Angela’s recital to meet with Joseph.  The Pastor apologises to Jacob, and needs to know what hurt his little brother so much.  The passing of their grandfather hurt Jacob deeply.  Soon after, Joseph stopped singing with him upon meeting Minnie.  

The two brothers singing together was the connection Jacob held to his grandfather, and he felt Joseph didn’t need him anymore.  He tells Joseph it’s too late.  But the older brother responds, “God doesn’t punch a clock; He is always there to see us through all the things that we think are impossible to overcome.” 

Jacob came looking for an apology, but even on the verge of receiving one, he walks away. 

Pike tells Bill and Rosie to stop asking questions, but Bill demands to know if Montague directed his steps.  Pike only confirms that the man responsible “has eyes everywhere”, and the repercussions inside prison – and for his mother – are too great for him to be an informant.   He tells Nathan that “not even the Mounties can touch this guy.” Bill and Rosie question the extent of what Montague is capable of, and how far his tentacles reach.

The choir, food stall, and flea market raised the funds to pay back the Benson Hills choir, but Maisie won’t let go of holding Tom accountable.  Lucas and Henry decide to use the Governor’s Cultural Fund to make up the difference and appease cranky Maisie.  Lucas is flourishing with Henry’s advice.

Minnie and the town encourage Jacob to join the choir with his brother, accompanied by Angela.  “Amazing Grace” hits the right notes, and hits home for the Canfield brothers, who finally put the past behind them.

The town kick on with a party, barbershop quartet, dancing, and sarsaparilla.  Lee trips the light fantastic with the best of them!

Henry reminds Lucas of Montague’s history of harming Hope Valley, and questions why the Governor would call Montague, let alone consider him as the number one investor for the Resort.  He then turns his efforts to putting Edwin in his place.

Lucas discloses that the Benson Hills Oil Company is shutting down, meaning jobs are needed, and the Hope Valley Resort could offer that opportunity.  Lucas sadly considers Montague as the only viable option.  Perhaps he should call Clive Palmer?

Just as Faith sweeps Tom onto the dance floor, he gives his blessing to Elizabeth for a courtship with Nathan.  Elizabeth takes the plunge and asks her wallflower Mountie to dance.  Finally!  Hearties, the Thornton-Grant courting has officially begun!  

#natbeth #abouttime

Memorable quotes:

Minnie (to Joseph): “If he’s too stubborn to bend, why don’t you?”

Henry (to Joseph): “You hurt your brother somehow, didn’t you?  If you regret hurting him, what does it matter the reason why, or how?  You’re family.”

Watch When Calls the Heart season 11 on Friday nights at 7:30pm AEST on GOOD. or stream from the free GOOD app. Watch this episode now. CLICK HERE.

About the Author: Rach is an AACTA Award-winning writer, director, producer, and tv/film content creator, with a background in human rights advocacy.  A mum, music manager, animal lover, and fan of 80s power ballads, she spends her ‘spare’ time cooking allergy-friendly food, and adding to her dream list of places to travel.  An advocate for disability, and an award-winning speaker, Rach is currently working on post-production of her reality TV show Facing the Fear, and pre-production for her documentary, FND: Not My Story.

Socials: @rachkayrooz

Feature Image: When Calls the Heart promotional content from GOOD.