
Successful Techniques To Help Remote Workers Defeat Burnout

By: Lacey Conner

The work-from-home revolution provides many advantages, but the new setup can be a two-edged sword. Though remote work offers freedom and flexibility, you can become burnt out from constantly feeling on call and lacking human interaction. It is possible to find a balance, but it requires implementing – and maintaining – some strategies. Test these ideas to find the self-care and scheduling techniques that will help you to find your work/life balance.

Make Time for Things You Love To Do

The adage about all work and no play has scientific backing. Science Daily reports that people who downplay the value of leisure time have increased levels of depression and stress. Such mental distress can lead to physical ailments, loss of concentration, and a shorter lifespan.

Create career goals that fulfil your life purpose and improve the world. If money is your only motivation, you’ll struggle to maintain enthusiasm. A new hobby or two can spark your creativity while giving your brain time to refresh from work. Learning a new musical instrument or craft can offer a healthy outlet for your feelings. Or if you enjoy movies and tv shows, make time each day to enjoy those on GOOD.

Pursue balance in day-to-day life and over the long term, recommends Work-from-Home Depot. Though you have an office at home, you shouldn’t be on call constantly. Set your devices to a silent setting after work and handle inquiries the following day. If emergencies are constant, they probably aren’t really emergencies.

Use your vacation time instead of cashing in days for more money. The strategy may work for short-term financial goals, but research finds that experiences are more valuable than purchases.

Acquire Ergonomic Equipment

Sore joints and weak muscles can immobilise you, so set your office up ergonomically. Invest in a comfortable chair with quality cushions. Use a footrest to let your feet sit flat and position your monitor at an arm’s length away and eye level. Your wrists should be straight and no higher than your elbow. Keep regularly used items accessible so you don’t have to strain to reach them. Consider a standing desk or height-adjustable desk to switch positions.

Practice Financial Health

Retail therapy can charge you up temporarily, but it may max you out if done excessively. Master budgeting by calculating your income and outgo and base your spending on facts instead of feelings. Create a debt management plan to eliminate liabilities and pay off loans.

Find Support Groups

If the loneliness becomes overwhelming, connect with others who feel your pain. Online forums and communities can discuss tips for living better as a remote worker or connect to others with similar backgrounds or interests to talk about matters unrelated to work. Enjoy games and hobbies together and build a network that can lead to another job opportunity that aligns with your values and passions.

Do Digital Detoxes

Too much screen time can wear you out, so take breaks away from technology. Turn off the devices or shut down screens and spend some time outside for a refreshing moment in nature. Lean your head back and absorb the beauty of the world instead of the latest social media post or news item. You could also take a walk or bike ride to stretch your muscles and get your blood pumping. If the outdoors isn’t inviting or convenient in your location, set up a mini home gym and enjoy a brief workout on breaks.

Also, take these moments to remove negative energy from your home. Since you are living and working in the same space, some of the complaints about work and the clutter of work-related items can bring anxiety into your home. Start by vacuuming and removing as much clutter as possible. Create a filing system, if your job requires a lot of paperwork. Then, use a neuropathic cleaning solution to cleanse your home of dirt and negativity.

Be Strategic about Work Boundaries When done right, the work-from-home lifestyle can be incredibly beneficial. However, when you don’t preserve your boundaries, your home can feel less relaxing and you may find yourself carrying too much stress around, even after work hours. However, you can succeed in remote work if you guard against potential emotional and mental health hazards. Schedule breaks from tech, cleanse your home of bad energy, and include mood-boosting activities to maintain balance and endure in your work-from-home environment.

About the Author: Lacey Conner wants you to start thinking of your home as a place where you can improve your family’s wellness – both literally and figuratively. That’s why she created Family Wellness Pro. Her website can help you make your home a fun and healthier place for your family to live and thrive.

Images: Photo by Taryn Elliott on Pexels