Thank You
Thank you for your generosity to meet the greatest challenge in GOOD history!
Thank you for your generous gift to help meet a critical funding gap – to keep sharing entertainment that makes you feel good.
Your investment to meet this urgent need will enable GOOD to continue to:
● Bring you more of the great entertainment you love…
● Fill your home with positive, life-changing content…
● Keep GOOD freely available anywhere, anytime for people just like you all over Australia!
Your support to meet this challenge together will make a powerful difference in thousands of homes.
You’re encouraging your GOOD family to see the good that comes of your generosity…
… to feel good as you enjoy positive entertainment…
… and to do even more good in your neighbourhood.
Thank you for your generosity in rising to meet the challenge!
Mike Jeffs
Founder and CEO
Can I ask one other thing of you?
It is so encouraging to hear all the wonderful stories from viewers just like you who love GOOD. Why don’t you tell us your GOOD story in your own words by clicking on the button below and recording a quick video we can share with others to encourage them?